Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Pet Demon

My pet demon is a wispy thing
that kills me from inside
I grit my teeth and fight it out
but from her talons I can't hide.
Her face is like an angel and
she makes your life all good
she mocks me by being everything
That I know I never could
You revel in her earthly charms
but still you hold me back
to fill the voids with godly things
that i know your life does lack
You say you keep her far away
and I'm way beyond her reach
yet she bleeds me in her torture cell
and you won't help me find the keys.
Can't you see her presence hurts
and tears me into shreds
her shadow blocks out my light
and fills my heart with dread.
You say i'm just paranoid
that I see a road full of traps
I nurse my bruised pride
as you tempt me on with scraps
I don't want to live my life
with that cageless demon around
for I bleed, and I cry
but still I let myself down.
Why is it that you want it all
without paying the price
why should I just bend and break
while you live your kingsized life?

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