Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What are political boundaries good for?

1. Creating arbitrary divides and animosity between people who often share the same socio-cultural background and should in fact, be getting along quite well with each other otherwise. Political and media propaganda widens the divide by encouraging mistrust between neighbors and in extreme cases such as India and Pakistan, it creates hatred which benefits no one. If religion is cited as the biggest difference, again as in the case of India and Pakistan, it results in cross border terrorism.

2. Shifting focus from what people across borders have in common to what their differences are. The first thing that's sacrificed is thread of common humanity that binds all people on earth.

3. Allowing one country to nurture terrorists and hatch elaborate plots to create political and social instability in a sub continent while other countries have no powers to stop or prevent this from happening. Also, when the terrorists cross over borders and kill innocent people in cold blood in a neighboring country allegedly with the help of their home country's Intelligence Agency, adequate political and economic pressure cannot be brought on the guilty parties to arrest the culprits.

4. Wasting a lot of precious time sharing niceties and in maintaining diplomatic protocol in the hope that it will pacify voters on both sides of the border while in reality, it just makes people angrier and angrier by the day.

5. Wasting tax payers' money to guard borders which are porous and in case of maritime borders, practically impossible to guard anyway.

6. Creating a false sense of security.

7. Preventing right thinking people from working on what really matters: education, health, economic development and poverty allievation. Governments are known to divert attention to other issues when they want to shun resposibility for doing what they should be doing for their people.

8. Creating a false sense of pride and ownership as well as guilt and denial. When attacks like 9/11 and Mumbai 26/11 happen its time for all human beings to hang their heads in shame.

HOW CAN WE STAND BEHIND GEO-POLITICAL BOUNDARIES AND POINT FINGERS HERE AND THERE and not ask how could each one of us have contributed to creating such Frankensteins that wreck havoc on Humanity itself? When terrorists have minimal regard for geoplitical boundaries, why should we, the Sane, not start thinking beyond them as well and see how we can fix things?

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