Friday, December 5, 2008

Passing the buck around the world..

I was just watching an NDTV 24x7 live discussion on Mumbai 26/11 and was seriously disappointed by what Professor Stephen Cohen of the Brookings Institute had to say. When asked by Barkha Dutt, what concrete measures could be taken to diffuse the mounting tension between Pakistan and India over the alleged ISI involvement in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, Prof. Cohen said that he thought that an International commission should be created to collect evidence and implicate the resposible parties and that this commision and not the goverment of India should press for corrective action. He further said that the US should not be the only country involved. Western European countries should also play an important role in this process. Needless to say I was extremely disappointed by this opinion of his. Instead of taking the shortest route by identifying specific actors and ennumerating specific actions so that someone is made accountable for bringing those responsible for this horrible act of terrorism to justice at the earliest, Prof. Cohen beleives in complicating the process and passing the buck all around the world so that no one is ever accountable for anything. In short, his long winded , round about solution would serve no purpose rather than ensuring that no action is ever taken.

Why are people in power and intellectuals both so squeamish about calling a spade and spade? Why are they so reluctant to act? Surely if 183 innocent people were killed and 10 or 15 men were trained to do the killing, someone somewhere was responsible for sponsoring them? Why is it so difficult to apprehend them? Why is that if one man kills another man in cold blood on this planet, he faces the death sentence but when one man, with the help of others kills 20, an International commission is needed to play for time so that the guilty parties can go scot free?

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