Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Looking up a thorny tree

Another day to take off! I am excited. Preps, research, packing and last minute shopping are all going pretty well, except for the fact that the Lonely Planet Guide Book I ordered on Amazon hasn't shown up as yet. Given the sheer size of Yellowstone, and the infinite choices of trails and sights that it offers, a detailed study of the LPGB on the 2 hr flight to Denver would have been really helpful. The nps website is a labyrinth and I have been lost a number of times exploring its many, many links. However, a question/post on The Thorn Tree website has elicited some solid responses from someone called zeldasdad. Learnt that bears love cheese.

In the meantime, there's Tom Cahill's "Lost in my own Backyard" to devour and digest. Also found some interesting quick-fix, no-fuss, minimal-mess dinner options @ . I am so tired of dining on bread and Bush's baked beans on camping trips. The 30 F lows are a little worrisome. I know the cold will dampen my enthusiasm for camp-fire culinary experiments. Maybe the synthetic, performance uppers I got from Academy Sports will do the trick.

Latest Aquisitions: A pair of 12/25 Bushnell binoculars to watch bisons, elk and grey wolves, biodegradable soap, compass with built-in LED torch, camp-pillows (great invention), a set of copper-bottomed, stainless steel camp cooking set with a Made in India label.

Things left to do: organize a first-aid kit and music CDs.

I do hope the Lonely Planet Book arrives today.

Useful links:

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